How can SAS-fit assist the Rail Industry?
SAS-fit have been specialist welfare service partners for their rail industry clients since 2012.
With many years of knowledge and experience, SAS-fit are a recognised authority in treating railway employees, including safety-critical staff, with complex health conditions that have not responded to traditional intervention such as CBT and Counselling.
SAS-fit has railway knowledge and experience at all levels of their corporate structure, from a Managing Director with operational and senior management experience, to therapists who are ex-railway employees.
This experience, allied with the most modern, bespoke therapy and a working knowledge of the industry, places SAS-fit at the forefront of railway employee well-being initiatives and is acknowledged by their continued involvement in bids for new franchises as their service adds value and demonstrates investment on a whole new level.
Since 2012, SAS-fit has treated a wide variety of complex conditions and has become well-known throughout the industry, as experts in the rehabilitation of employees who have been involved in incidents of suicide and fatality.
Their approach to these emotive cases, each one unique in its facets and the effect on the employee, has revolutionised the approach, advocating immediate access to bespoke treatment, aimed at reducing a dependence on prescribed drugs such as anti-depressants and reducing the effect on the employee their family and peers.
Of course, the treatment is also effective in reducing absence periods, following an incident of this nature, delivering a saving management time, Occupational Health referral and the payment of overtime, whilst increasing PPM and delivering improvement in NPS scores.
But that isn’t all that SAS-fit can do. They have valuable knowledge and experience in cases such as grievance and mediation, combined with therapy to deliver a successful outcome in 98% of cases they manage.
Working collaboratively, with their specialist partners, SAS-fit also offer a full end-to-end service, including employee education, via a bespoke digital platform, workshops and bespoke 90-minute therapy sessions delivered in the workplace, to assist those in stressful roles, or who have the potential to be exposed to trauma as part of their role.
SAS-fit are also able to bring their services to your door. In consultation, they would identify your specific needs and geographical location, agreeing on where their presence would deliver the greatest value.
The services that SAS-fit deliver are not available from any other welfare service provider, from the NHS, GP’s or your EAP.
If you don’t have SAS-fit, you don’t have the unique, effective service that they provide for their Rail Industry clients.