How can SAS-fit assist the Emergency Services?

SAS-fit have been delivering their unique welfare packages, to the emergency services, since January 2017.

Working in partnership with their clients, SAS-fit has become synonymous with delivering satisfactory outcomes in even the most deep-rooted, long-standing cases, that have not responded to other levels of intervention.

The emergency services already have what is considered to be a robust approach to employee welfare. ‘TRiM’, ‘Mind -Blue Light’, Force Doctors, Psychiatric Nurses, Convalescent Centres/PTC’s, and more recently, MHFA, Yoga, Mindfulness and other initiatives have been used to great effect, but absence through complex mental health conditions and musculo-skeletal injury, continues to rise. In fact, the majority of employees referred to SAS-fit have already received help, support and assistance, from many sources, but have not been able to make a sufficient recovery to return to their substantive post, or to reach optimum health whilst still at work.

SAS-fit have been described by one force doctor as ‘astonishing’, having delivered a remarkable 98% success rate, whilst managing a number of extremely complex cases. You can read case studies here that will give you an insight into the variety and complexity of the cases we manage.

An independent cost/benefit review, completed by one of our emergency services clients, showed a saving of £110,000.00, in delivering a successful outcome in the first eight cases referred.

There is no other welfare service provider who has the knowledge and experience, or the tools and methods that SAS-fit has developed over the years.

The Home Office paper, titled ‘A common goal for Police Wellbeing’, aiming to modernise the welfare and wellbeing for all of the emergency services, including Fire and Ambulance, was published in July 2018. The content details government aspirations for the consistent, robust, effective, support of employees throughout the emergency services. The report has challenged you to deliver their plan by 2021, but the service delivered by SAS-fit covers all of the aspirations, so you could deliver the plan straight away, whilst also introducing new levels of support and assistance. The unique service that SAS-fit provide will also assist you in delivering some of the budget savings outlined in previous demands from Central Government.

Click here to read a Policing Insight editorial by SAS-fit about how stigma can be a barrier to those seeking treatment, and click here to read a Policing Insight editorial by SAS-fit about how PTSD can be successfully treated.